About Us


Bringing scientific solutions to society

Welcome to Prakrit, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainability and supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through transformative research, innovation, and education. At Prakrit, we believe that sustainable development is crucial for the future of our planet, and that by driving society towards sustainability, we can make a meaningful impact towards a better world. Our focus on research, innovation, and education is designed to bring new solutions to pressing global challenges and to inspire positive change towards a more sustainable future. Join us in our mission to create a more sustainable world for future generations.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision & Mission


At Prakrit, our vision is of a sustainable future where all individuals and communities have the resources, opportunities and support they need to thrive and live fulfilling lives, in harmony with the planet.


Our mission is to drive society towards sustainability through transformative research, innovation, and education. We aim to create a positive impact towards the SDGs by supporting and promoting sustainable practices, and by inspiring individuals and organizations to take action towards a better future.

Swarooh Project !!

Establishing Project Swarooh, where dreams take flight, and possibilities are limitless. Swarooh is our unwavering commitment to empowering rural women in Rajasthan through science, technology, and innovation. Through education, skill development, and entrepreneurship support, we aim to provide wings to their aspirations, enabling them to soar high and reach for the sky. Join us in this journey of transformation and empowerment. Together, we can build a brighter future, where empowered women lead the way to sustainable progress.