Event Details

Energy Swaraj Yatra

 A captivating exploration of sustainable energy with a true expert in the field. It was an insightful and inspiring event with lots of learning about sustainability. It was an incredible previlage to host Prof. Chetan Singh Solanki, The Solar Man of India for Energy Swaraj Yatra at Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology, Jaipur. Professor Chetan Solanki give an inspiring talk on this world Sustainability Day Prof. Solanki barked an extraordinary 11 years journey living in a solar bus dedicated to committing climate change. His commitment to the cause is truly commendable. With only one Earth, it's imperative that we prioritise sustainable practices.

Did you know 1% carbon emission persist for 300 years? This highlights the urgency of switching to solar energy, a key focus area of Mr. Solanki 's advocacy. His 3 simple rules yet impactful are: avoid  1/3,  Minimize 1/3, generate 1/3. A powerful reminders that anything beyond our needs is tantamount to violence. A starling fact: the current rate of cabon emission amounts to approximately 14,00,000 kg per second. This emphasizes the passing need for immediate action. 

Prof. Solanki's 2 laws are:

1.  limit your consumption and

2. localize your production.

 Underscore the necessity of conscious living and sustainable development. the call for drastic and initiate changes in energy usage pattern is crucial

Let's come together and take a step towards a sustainable future. 

Event details

Starting time: 12:00 PM to 3:00 AM
Event date : 26 October, 2023
Phone number : 9772604077
Location : Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology, Jaipur


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