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DIY Earthen Composter


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The DIY Terracotta Composter kit is a meticulously crafted piece of art, handmade by skilled Indian potters. Designed with sustainability in mind, it is the ideal solution for families consisting of 2 to 5 members who generate up to 500 grams of organic waste per day.



  • Environmentally friendly
  • Rapid decomposition (4-6 weeks)
  • Distinctive and original design
  • Convenient and trouble-free procedure
  • Available in shades of BROWN or GERU

Direction to use:

  • Choose a suitable location and assemble the kit.
  • Add a layer of pebbles or gravel for drainage.
  • Begin with a layer of brown material (dried leaves, straw, newspaper).
  • Add kitchen scrap in alternate layers.
  • Avoid overfilling; leave space for composting.
  • Cover with a breathable lid to deter pests.
  • Turn and mix the contents every few days.
  • Monitor and adjust moisture levels.
  • Harvest nutrient-rich compost in 4-6 weeks.
  • Use compost to enrich soil or potting mix.
  • Repeat the process for continuous composting.

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